The Books

The Legacy: The Nelson Family

Joe Nelson is dying of colon cancer. He has very little time left, which is why he invites his favorite grandson Jack to visit. Joe’s wife died three years earlier, but together, they made a final decision: upon their deaths, Jack would inherit everything – and “everything” is a sizeable amount.

Jack has been at odds with most of his family his entire life, except for his grandparents, who were always there to support and encourage him. Jack spent many summers at his grandparents’ house; it felt like home. Now, shockingly, he has been given a centuries-old legacy that he must keep secret from the rest of his family or risk losing everything.

Inheriting his grandparents’ estate changes Jack’s life. He goes from being a visitor to a full time resident of their small Virginia town. He falls in love, realizes the importance of friendship and discovers a purpose for his life that he never expected.



Nelson Family Matters: The Legacy Part II

Jack’s beloved grandma and grandpa are now gone, colon cancer having finally taken Joe away. However, Jack receives an unexpected surprise when he is announced as sole heir to the family inheritance, including his grandparents’ mysterious home. He and his wife Jan are now preparing to start their new life together, but nothing is simple with the Nelsons.

Jack’s entire family is still a big pain in the backside as he and Jan try acclimating to their new and unexpected existence. Jack is dealing with not only the responsibilities of being sole inheritor but also working to start a business. The Nelson legacy continues to haunt, though, including the house’s secrets, one of which are hidden chambers beneath Jack’s new residence.

The family continues to break down until a near catastrophe brings them back together. This new catalyst changes some attitudes, and Jack soon finds himself and his father on a trip to discover further family history. What other secret was Grandpa Joe holding onto, and how will its unveiling affect the family he left behind?



How The Family Grows: The Legacy Part III

Soon another change will be coming for the Nelsons, an unexpected and welcome change—something that will bring the family closer and brighten their lives beyond anything they could imagine. One evening Jack goes for a walk and has an encounter with their neighbors that will change their lives forever.